Moodle Course Creation

Moodle Course Creation

von Justine Black -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Moodle courses are now automatically created from the official Course Schedule.  If you need to merge several courses, please submit a work order with course title and instructors.


Please follow the directions below to prepare your course for students.

To import a previous semesters content into your new course:

1. Log-in to Moodle, navigate to the course category (department) and click on your course.

2. In the Administration block, click Import.

3. In the Search field (at bottom) enter the course name and click Search.

4. Under Select a Course, select the radio button for the course to copy, then click Continue.

5. Under Backup settings, check the types of content to copy (activities and resources, blocks, filters, calendar events, and/or question bank); all will be selected by default.

6. Click Jump to final step.

7. Depending on the size and number of items to copy, the import may take a few moments. You should see a progress bar as the import process proceeds. Once the import process is complete, a confirmation message appears.

8. Click Continue.


To make the course visible to students:

1. Log-in to Moodle, navigate to the course category (department) and click the name of the new course to open it.

2. In the Administration block, click Edit Settings.

3. Change the Course Visibility to Show.

4. Click Save and Display.


To enable self-enrolment for students:

1. Log-in to Moodle, navigate to the course category (department) and click the name of the new course to open it.

2. In the Administration block, click Users, click Enrolment Methods, click the visibility option to the right of Self-Enrolment (eyeball with a line through it)