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Undergraduate Courses
Fall Term 2024
Fall Term 2024
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AH 108:01 Cross-Cultural Art 1 - 24/FA
AH 303:01 Reframing American Art to 1876 - 24/FA
AN 299:01 ST: Prin of Historic Preserv - 24/FA
AR 103:01 Beginning Drawing - 24/FA
AR 104:01 Design and Color - 24/FA
AR 125:01 Explorations in Clay - 24/FA
AR 200:01 Beginning Painting - 24/FA
AR 203:01 Digital Photography I - 24/FA
AR 204:01 Digital Art I - 24/FA
AR 208:01 Beginning Photography - 24/FA
AR 220:01 Formulating Beauty: Cer Chem - 24/FA
AR 225:01 Wheel Throwing - 24/FA
AR 235:01 Empty Bowls Practicum - 24/FA
AR 305:CBE Intermediate Ceramics - 24/FA
AR 405:CBE Advanced Ceramics - 24/FA
AR 453:01 Capstone/3D Studio Art I - 24/FA
AS 170:01 Astronomy Outreach - 24/FA
AS 300:01 Chile: Southern Stars I - 24/FA
BI x17:01 - Principles of Genetics - 24/FA
BI 101:ALL General Biology I - 24/FA
BI 289:01 Frontiers of Biology - 24/FA
BI 310:ALL Physiology - 24/FA
BI 312:01 Altered Ecosystems - 24/FA
BI 314:01 Talk Nerdy to Me - 24/FA
BI 317:01 Principles of Genetics - 24/FA
BI 325:01 Plant Ecology - 24/FA
BI 340:01 Medical Microbiology - 24/FA
BI 340L:01 Medical Microbiology Lab - 24/FA
BI 360:01 Vertebrate Zoology - 24/FA
BI 361:01 Vertebrate Zoology Lab - 24/FA
BI 361:02 Vertebrate Zoology Lab - 24/FA
BI 362:01 Animal Behavior - 24/FA
BI 380:RFS Biology Research Methods - 24/FA
BI 399:01 ST: Cancer Cell Biology - 24/FA
BI 489:01 Biology Research - 24/FA
BI 489:07 Biology Research - 24/FA
BI 489:13 Biology Research - 24/FA
BI 499:01 Senior Thesis - 24/FA
CEE 101:01 Intro to Civil & Env Eng - 24/FA
CEE 200:01 Fundamentals of Env Eng - 24/FA
CEE 312:01 Fluid Mechanics - 24/FA
CH 232:ALL Organic Chemistry I - 24/FA
CH 142:ALL Integrtd Chem Prin I - 24/FA
CH 143:ALL Integrted Chem: Prin I Lab - 24/FA
CH 144:01 Integrtd Chem: Prin II - 24/FA
CH 145:01 Integrtd Chem: Prin II Lab - 24/FA
CH 145:02 Integrtd Chem: Prin II Lab - 24/FA
CH 210:01 Chem & Biochem Seminar - 24/FA
CH 233:ALL Organic Chemistry I Lab - 24/FA
CH 299:01 ST: Chem Prof Dev Seminar - 24/FA
CH 312:01 Biochemistry - 24/FA
CH 352:01 Physical Chemistry I - 24/FA
CH 353:01 Physical Chemistry Laboratory - 24/FA
CH 406:01 Adv Inorganic Chem - 24/FA
CH 418:01 Advanced Biochemistry - 24/FA
CH 489:01 Chem & Biochem Capstone II - 24/FA
CH 494:02 Chemistry Research - 24/FA
CH 494:04 Chemistry Research - 24/FA
CH 494:07 Chemistry Research - 24/FA
CJ 362:01 Juvenile Justice - 24/FA
CM 130:01 Intro to Human Communication - 24/FA
CM 132:01 Message Analysis - 24/FA
CM 200:01 Art of Public Speaking - 24/FA
CM 240:01 Intro to Storytelling - 24/FA
CM 288:01 Strategic Communication - 24/FA
CM 310:01 Understanding Health Inequity - 24/FA
CM 340:01 Intercultural Communication - 24/FA
CM 365:01 Organizational Comm - 24/FA
CM 401:01 Senior Seminar - 24/FA
CM 495:01 Internship Seminar - 24/FA
CM 497:01 Senior Research Seminar - 24/FA
CONN 202:RFS Science and Society - 24/FA
CONN 315F:01 Ways of Well-Being (Fall) - 24/FA
CONN 350:01 Community Health Advocacy - 24/FA
CS 255U:01 Unix Programming - 24/FA
CS 305:01 Software Models - 24/FA
CS 370:01 Database Mgmt Sys - 24/FA
DS 110:01 Intro to Data Science - 24/FA
DS 352:01 Machine Learning - 24/FA
DS 420:01 Data Science Capstone - 24/FA
EB 100:01 Intro to Management - 24/FA
EB 100:02 Intro to Management - 24/FA
EB 140:01 Investing: Your Future - 24/FA
EB 202:01 Behavioral Anlys Org - 24/FA
EB 203:01 Intro to Business Law - 24/FA
EB 207:01 New Venture Creation - 24/FA
EB 210:01 Quantitative Bus Anlys - 24/FA
EB 211:01 Business Statistics - 24/FA
EB 223:01 Prin of Microeconomics - 24/FA
EB 340:01 Investing Analysis - 24/FA
EB 341:01 Prod and Ops Mgmt - 24/FA
EB 342:01 Mgmt Info Systems - 24/FA
EB 351:01 Marketing Mgmt - 24/FA
EB 356:01 Fashion Marketing Management - 24/FA
EB 359:01 Advertising & Promo Mgmt - 24/FA
EB 371:01 Human Resource Mgmt - 24/FA
EB 375:01 21st Centry Ldrshp - 24/FA
EB 440:01 Portfolio Mgmt I - 24/FA
EB 441:01 Portfolio Mgmt II - 24/FA
EB 480:01 Senior Seminar - 24/FA
ED 110:01 Foundations of Education - 24/FA
ED 111:01 Fnd Educ Fld Exper - 24/FA
ED 120:01 Child Development - 24/FA
ED 130:01 Adolescent Development - 24/FA
ED 240:01 Intro Stdnts w/ Excptnlties - 24/FA
ED 309:01 Autism Spectrum Disorders - 24/FA
ED 314:01 English Language Learner - 24/FA
ED 342:CBE Assessment - 24/FA
ED 343:01 Differentiated Instruction - 24/FA
ED 401:01 Junior Field Experience - 24/FA
ED 403:01 Math Methods: PreK-6 - 24/FA
ED 411:01 Reading Difficulties - 24/FA
ED 430:01 Language and Literacy - 24/FA
ED 433:01 Pre-Student Teaching Seminar - 24/FA
ED 440:01 High Incidence Disab. - 24/FA
ED 442:01 Social,Emotional,Behavior - 24/FA
ED 450:01 Student Teaching - 24/FA
ED 451:01 Student Teaching Seminar - 24/FA
EN 146:01 WA Pedagogy and Practice - 24/FA
EN 203:01 Class/Status/Identity US Lit - 24/FA
EN 212:01 Sports Literature - 24/FA
EN 217:01 Disability in Fiction - 24/FA
EN 301:01 Young Adult Literature - 24/FA
EN 302:01 Literature of Social Protest - 24/FA
EN 307:01 Mythology in Film - 24/FA
EN 374:01 Ethical Game Design - 24/FA
EN 379:01 Professional Editing - 24/FA
ESK 101:01 Intro to Exercise Science - 24/FA
ESK 105:ALL Human Anatomy & Physiology I - 24/FA
ESK 206:01 Musculoskeletal Anatomy - 24/FA
ESK 299:01 ST: Nutrition Fundamentals - 24/FA
ESL 150:01 Academic Writing - 24/FA
ESL 151:01 Conversation&Discussion - 24/FA
ESL 153:01 Grammar in Use-Lvl II - 24/FA
ESS 100:ALL Environmental Systems I - 24/FA
ESS 199:RFS ST: Environ Stewardship - 24/FA
ESS 206:01 Global Env Issues - 24/FA
ESS 230:01 Environmetrics - 24/FA
ESS 261:01 Marine Biology - 24/FA
ESS 310:01 Water Resources I - 24/FA
ESS 324:01 Nat Resource Mgmt - 24/FA
ESS 325:01 Conservation Biology - 24/FA
ESS 328:RFS Limnology - 24/FA
ESS 400:01 Senior Capstone I - 24/FA
FR 110:01 French I - 24/FA
FR 120:01 French II - 24/FA
FR 287:01 African Migrant Experience - 24/FA
FR 399:01 ST: Afr Migr Exp-French - 24/FA
FR 399:02 French Ed Pre-Student Teaching - 24/FA
FYC 101:01 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:02 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:03 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:04 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:05 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:08 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:09 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:10 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:11 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:12 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:13 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:14 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:15 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:17 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:18 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:19 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:20 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYC 101:21 First-Year Composition - 24/FA
FYF 101:01 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:02 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:03 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:04 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:05 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:06 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:07 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:08 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:09 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:10 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:11 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:12 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:13 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:14 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:15 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:16 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:17 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 101:18 First-Year Foundations - 24/FA
FYF 199:01 FYF: Designing Your Juniata - 24/FA
GE 101:01 Local Engagement Seminar - 24/FA
GL 204:01 History of Earth - 24/FA
GL 304:01 Paleoblgy of Invertbrts - 24/FA
GL 310:01 Structural Geology - 24/FA
HP 300:01 Health Navigator Practicum - 24/FA
HP 370:01 Health Career Prep Seminar - 24/FA
HS 104:01 Medieval Europe - 24/FA
HS 115:01 United States to 1877 - 24/FA
HS 199:01 ST: History Book Club - 24/FA
HS 208:01 Engineering, Empire & Environ - 24/FA
HS 268:01 Sword and Scimitar - 24/FA
HS 277:01 History of Food - 24/FA
HS 280:01 Victorian Science/Sex/Medicine - 24/FA
HS 367:01 Women in Africa - 24/FA
HS 493:01 The Historian's Craft - 24/FA
IM CAP:00 - IMA Capstone - 24/FA
IM 110:01 Prin of Digital Media - 24/FA
IM 295:01 Design Thinking - 24/FA
IM 398:01 Integrated Media Practicum - 24/FA
IM 490:02 Empty Bowls Intern - 24/FA
IM 495:01 Internship Seminar - 24/FA
IM 497:01 IMA Capstone - 24/FA
IT 105:01 Principles of Programming - 24/FA
IT 110:01 Prin of Info Tech - 24/FA
IT 210:01 Info Tech Systems - 24/FA
IT 304:01 Project Management Techniques - 24/FA
IT 307:01 Project Management - 24/FA
IT 341:01 Web Design - 24/FA
IT 342:01 Web Programming - 24/FA
MA 100:01 Precalculus - 24/FA
MA 130:01 Calculus I - 24/FA
MA 150:01 Symmetry in Math & Art - 24/FA
MA 205:01 Elementary Statistics - 24/FA
MA 210:01 Foundations of Math. - 24/FA
MA 235:01 Calculus III - 24/FA
MA 325:01 Statistical Consulting - 24/FA
MA 480:01 Mathematics Seminar I - 24/FA
MBA_ORG 571:01 HR & People Anlytcs - 24/FA
MM 391:01 Ethics and Museums - 24/FA
MM 480:01 Museum Practicum I - 24/FA
MS 101:01 Music Fundamentals - 24/FA
MS 120:01 Architectural & Musical Forms - 24/FA
MU 181:01 Juniata Concert Choir - 24/FA
ND 110:01 Career Planning - 24/FA
ND 271:01 3D Design, Scanning & Printing - 24/FA
ND 498:01 Natural Sciences Capstone - 24/FA
NEU 120:01 Fndmtls Undergrad Neuroscience - 24/FA
NEU 494:01 Neuroscience Senior Capstone - 24/FA
PACS 110:01 Intro Peace & Conflict Studies - 24/FA
PACS 299:01 ST:Culture/Diversity/Conflict - 24/FA
PACS 391:01 ST: Negotiation/Peacebuilding - 24/FA
PACS 391:02 ST: Refugees&Humanitarianism - 24/FA
PC 200:01 General Physics I - 24/FA
PC 200L:ALL General Physics Lab I - 24/FA
PC 202:01 Intro Physics I - 24/FA
PC 202L:01 Intro Physics Lab I - 24/FA
PC 202L:02 Intro Physics Lab I - 24/FA
PC 204:01 University Physics - 24/FA
PC 299:01 ST: Eng Tools & Design (CAD) - 24/FA
PC 301:01 Modern Physics - 24/FA
PC 320:01 Engr Mech I: Statics - 24/FA
PC 491:01 Electricity & Magnetism - 24/FA
PC x89:ALL Phys Seminar - 24/FA
PL 101:01 Intro to Philosophy - 24/FA
PL 106:01 Intro to Ethics - 24/FA
PL 235:01 Ethics of Health Care - 24/FA
PL 304:01 Existentialism - 24/FA
PS 102:01 Intro to Intl. Politics - 24/FA
PS 110:01 Exploring the Law - 24/FA
PS 125:01 Citizenship - 24/FA
PS 190A:01 Mock Trial - 24/FA
PS 205:01 Politics in Film - 24/FA
PS 208:01 Policy and Community - 24/FA
PS 209:01 Sexual Politics - 24/FA
PS 311:01 Const Interp: Pwers of Gov - 24/FA
PS 325:01 Health Policy - 24/FA
PS 340:01 TIP: Nationalism - 24/FA
PS 495:01 Internship Seminar - 24/FA
PS 495:02 Internship Seminar - 24/FA - Requested
PY 101:02 Intro to Psychology - 24/FA
PY 202:01 Personality - 24/FA
PY 210:01 Psych Prof Development Seminar - 24/FA
PY 238:01 Biopsychology - 24/FA
PY 270:01 Cognitive Neuroscience - 24/FA
PY 303:01 Learning & Conditioning - 24/FA
PY 322:01 Sport Psychology - 24/FA
PY 350:01 Developmental Psychology - 24/FA
PY 366:01 Research Methods & Statistics - 24/FA
PY 495:01 Psychology Internship Seminar - 24/FA
RL 123:ALL World Religions- 24/FA
RL 115:01 Viking Religion - 24/FA
RL 230:01 Religions of India - 24/FA
SP 110:01 Spanish I - 24/FA
SP 110:02 Spanish I - 24/FA
SP 120:01 Spanish II - 24/FA
SP 210:01 Spanish III - 24/FA
SP 230:01 Span Conv & Comp - 24/FA
SP 285:01 Intro to Latin America - 24/FA
SP 400:01 Cont. Spanish Am. Novel - 24/FA
SW 214:01 Integ Res Methods & Stats I - 24/FA
SW 221:01 The Life Cycle - 24/FA
SW 231:01 Soc Probs & Soc Welfare - 24/FA
SW 330:01 SWP I/F/S Groups Lab - 24/FA
SW 331:01 SWP Ind/Fam/Sm Grp - 24/FA
SW 333:01 Soc Wlfr Pol & Srvcs - 24/FA
TH 120:01 Tai Chi, Level I - 24/FA
TH 121:01 Tai Chi, Level 2 - 24/FA
TH 123:01 Jedi Academy - 24/FA
WL 201:01 Language in Motion - 24/FA